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Home Watch Services

Opening Services

A qualified Professional will turn on all water mains, turn on water heater and ice maker, plug in electrical items, adjust A/C, open blinds, freshen toilets.

Closing Services

Empty Perishables from the refrigerator, empty and turn off ice maker, close blinds, set HVAC system to away settings, unplug electrical items, turn off water at house, unplug or turn off breaker to the water heater, seal bowls on toilets, unplug washer & dryer, bring in containers and check security of doors and windows. 

Emergency Services & Pre/Post Storm Inspections

If you would like emergency response services. We will respond to alarm notification in a timely fashion as scheduling permits. Owner will be notified if there are any visible signs of intrusion. 

Pre/Post Storm

Honey Do will send out an alert email if there is a tropical storm or Hurricane Warning for the area. If requested, pre-storm inspection ensures that all furniture is inside, shutters are down and installed and preform additional related requests. Post-storm inspection will look for visible signs of damage and will include a detailed report with images emailed to the client. Removal of shutter, furniture placement and outdoor items will be scheduled after property is declared non-hazardous. 

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